Save a mailing tube you get in the mail, or pick one up from a packaging supply store.

Decorate it with stickers, by painting it, or wrapping it in the fun new duct tape. (To paint it, put a broom pole through the tube. Rest to each end on a saw horse or tables. Painting on a turning element itself is a unique experience).
Fill the packaging tube with lightweight balls like wiffle balls
When playing with the ball tube:
you can say 1... 2... 3.. Rolling Rainbow! as they all pour out and then sing the Rainbow Song -Red, orange yellow green blue purple, Red orange yellow green blue purple, makes the rainbow bright!
When it is time to pick up the balls, sing (to the tune of "Here we go round the mulberry bush")
"Lets put all the balls away, the balls away, the balls away, lets put all the balls away so we can do it again"
or last line can be "lets put all the balls away - we'll play again another day"
It's a great clean up song... gives Barney a little competition.
Makes a great gift to mail :)
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