Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sight Words or Spelling Words Memory Game

With school back in session, here is a way to make learning letters, sight words or spelling words fun!

cut 3x5 cards in half. On each half write the letter or word your child is learning.
mix up the cards and turn them over face down.
Play like memory- during their turn, a  player turns over two cards.
When a player gets a match, they have to use the word in a sentence (or think of a word that starts with that letter if playing with letters)

At the end of the game, have the child read what words (or letters) they matched up, and read the words/letters you matched up. Then have them count how many matches they got and how many you got, and figure out how many more matches the winner had.

Pack your cards in your Packed 4 Fun backpack to take with you to brother's soccer practice, mom's appointment, or the restaurant!

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